A meson algebra is involved in the Duffin wave equation for mesons in the same way as a Clifford algebra is involved in the Dirac wave equation for electrons. Therefore meson algebras too should have geometrical properties after the manner of Grassmann. Actually it is possible to define interior multiplications with similar properties, and deformations too. Every meson algebra is a deformation of a neutral meson algebra, in the same way as (almost) every Clifford algebra is a deformation of an exterior algebra. Some applications follow: the PBW-property is proved for all meson algebras, the injectiveness of Jacobson's diagonal morphism is proved with the minimal hypothesis, and the existence of Lipschitz monoids is established at least for meson algebras over fields.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). 15A63, 15A66, 15A78, 16S80.
Keywords.Interior products, Clifford algebras, other algebras built from modules, deformations of algebras.Physicists began to be concerned with meson particles (also called π-mesons or pions) some 80 years ago. From the equations proposed by Proca, Duffin deduced a wave equation quite analogous to Dirac's wave equation for electrons; he used 4 matrices which satisfied other commutation relations than Dirac's relations. Duffin's equation was soon accepted by Kemmer, Schrödinger, Pauli and many other physicists. Kemmer started a serious study of the universal algebra that resulted form Duffin's relations; this universal algebra, and all algebras defined by similar relations, are called Duffin-Kemmer algebras, or simply meson algebras. Remember that the universal algebra associated with Dirac's relations is a Clifford algebra. I refer to [HM2] for more information about the history of the subject (in particular the bibliography). I also refer to [HM2] for the description of nondegenerate meson algebras (meson algebras associated with nondegenerate symmetric bilinear forms) and their representations; up to now, almost all works involving meson algebras were devoted to this topic.
J. Helmstetter AACAHere I am concerned with quite different properties which have nothing to do with nondegeneracy, and I accept the minimal hypotheses: K is a ring (commutative, associative, with unit), M is module over K, and ϕ : M × M → K is a symmetric bilinear form (which may be null). I impose much stronger assumptions only at the end of §12 and in the whole §13 which are both devoted to applications to meson algebras over fields. Since for physicists meson algebras seem to be as fundamental a tool as Clifford algebras (even if mesons have not yet, and by far not, raised so much interest as electrons), they should also have mathematical properties similar to those of Clifford algebras. Whence this question: are they also liable to some kind of Grassmann Calculus? I intend to prove that the answer is positive.