Animal models have played an important role in furthering our understanding of complex biological basis and mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of human anxiety. They have also contributed to the provision of preclinical models that enable the discovery and screening of new potential therapeutical drugs 1 . Moreover, animal models of anxiety have been considered as an invaluable approach, since animals display similar autonomic and behavioral reactions during anxiety states 2,3,4,5 . The present research chose on one of the most popularly used animal models in the study of anxiety-related behaviors 6 -the Elevated Plus-Maze (EPM). Briefly, the EPM is used as a test of anxiety based on the exploratory behavior of rodents. Its exploratory environment is constituted by four elevated arms, with two opposed open (unprotected spaces) and two other opposed enclosed arms (spaces protected by lateral walls), arranged in a cross-like shape. The open arms are considered regions of the maze endowed with stressful-and fear-inductor properties, because rats exposed to them display increased corticosterone release, as well as fear-related behaviors, when compared to those exposed in the enclosed arms 7 . In this sense, the conflict between the approach and the avoidance of regions with more or less aversive properties underlies the exploratory behavior of animals in the EPM. In fact, this conflict has been considered analogous to human anxiety considering that many anxiety disorders express this insidious avoidance behavior of a feared object or situation ) e foram testadas no LEC 10 A/F ∆Lux ou LEC 96 A/F ∆Lux . Resultados: A análise de regressão múltipla indicou que o A/F ∆Lux está negativamente associado com a % de entrada no braço aberto e % de tempo no braço aberto, sugerindo que no aumento do A/F ∆Lux , a exploração do braço aberto diminui. A fase do CE não influenciou a exploração do braço aberto no LEC. A ansiólise induzida pelo MDZ foi demonstrada no 96 LEC A/F ∆Lux em todas as fases do CE. Discussão: Estes resultados sugerem a importância do A/F ∆Lux para estabelecer a preferência da exploração do LEC e preservar a validade do LEC.Palavras-chave: ciclo estral, ratas Wistar, ansiedade, medo, labirinto elevado em cruz, luminosidade.