Following a warm launch in 2013 the MIRI instrument aboard JWST will be operated for a lifetime of 5…10 years in the L2-orbit at a temperature of ~6 K. The main requirements for its three wheel mechanisms include:(1) reliability, (2) optical precision, (3) low power dissipation, (4) high vibration capability, (5) functionality at 4 < T < 300 K. The filter wheel carries broad and narrow band spectral filters, coronographic masks and a prism on its 18 positions. Each of the two spectrometer wheels is equipped with two disks on both sides of a central torque motor, one of them carries 6 gratings, the other a dichroic/mirror arrangement. The optical positions are defined by a ratchet mechanism. No closed loop control is required; therefore the long time average heat dissipation is negligible. A new ratchet mechanism had to be developed to satisfy a 120° increment of only three positions for the spectrometer wheels. Extensive cold and warm tests were performed on the development models of the filter and spectrometer wheels at MPIA. These results stimulated numerous improvements in the mechanical and thermal design which are now to be implemented in the qualification and flight models developed jointly with Carl Zeiss. Synergies are expected from a similar development of the NIRSPEC wheels, in which MPIA and Carl Zeiss are involved.