Let G be a finite group, and let r 3 (G) represent the size of the largest subset of G without non-trivial three-term progressions. In a recent breakthrough, Croot, Lev and Pach proved that r 3 (C n 4 ) (3.61) n , where C m denotes the cyclic group of order m. For finite abelian groups G ∼ = n i=1 C mi , where m 1 , . . . , m n denote positive integers such that m 1 | . . . |m n , this also yields a bound of the form r 3 (G) (0.903) rk4(G) |G|, with rk 4 (G) representing the number of indices i ∈ {1, . . . , n} with 4 | m i . In particular, r 3 (C n 8 ) (7.22) n . In this paper, we provide an exponential improvement for this bound, namely r 3 (C n 8 ) ≤ (7.09) n .