Based on the formalism provided by the modified moment method for the Boltzmann equation and the generalized Boltzmann equation and on the axiomatic formalism of irreversible thermodynamics of fluids, we discuss the connection of extended irreversible thermodynamics with transport processes. It is shown how the entropy surface can be constructed from the experimental information on transport processes and vice versa.
IntroductionIn macroscopic phydics and physical chemistry a process is meant by a series of physical events progressing in space-time under initial and boundary conditions. When matter and energy are transported within the system and across the boundaries of the system owing to physical causes, we call the processes the transport processes of matter and energy, or simply the transport processes. Since all natural macroscopic processes are clearly subject to the thermodynamic laws, the transport processes in fluids and solids must equally conform to the requirements by the thermodynamic laws. Since transport processes are generally time-and space-dependent, the equilibrium thermodynamics formalism is obviously inadequate for proper macroscopic description of them and the formalism must be so generalized as to adequately deal with them, hopefully, to any degree of nonequilibrium. If the processes occur in a state of the system near equilibrium the linear irreversible thermodynamic formalism [1] developed by many pioneers is adequate and provides a powerful and general theory of transport processes. The theory is described in numerous monographs on linear irreversible thermodynamics. In the linear theory the fluxes characterizing the transport processes are linearly dependent on the thermodynamic forces; hence the term linear. However, many processes in nature occur in a state removed far from equilibrium, and linear flux-force relationships are no longer adequate. There now arises the necessity to formulate a theory to deal with situations that gener-J. ally require, for example, nonlinear flux-force relationships or their suitable generalizations. Transport processes requiring nonlinear flux equations will be termed nonlinear transport processes, and the corresponding thermodynamics nonlinear irreversible thermodynamics. Nonlinear problems are generally rather individual-looking in their superficial appearance, yet as is recognized through numerous, mathematical, physical and chemical investigations [2] on the problems, they appear to share some important characteristic features that seem to be common to all of them. What we wish to discuss here is the irrversible thermodynamics aspects underlying nonlinear transport processes in fluids and solids. Since the mathematical structure of nonlinear irreversible thermodynamics is difficult to guess on purely phenomenological grounds for obvious reasons, we rely on kinetic theories such as the Boltzmann kinetic theory [3] to guide us in exploring for a possible structure of such a theory. The mathematical framework so acquired in the kinetic theory approach ...