ZEUS-2, the second generation (z)Redshift and Early Universe Spectrometer, like its predecessor is a moderate resolution (R~1000) long-slit, echelle grating spectrometer optimized for the detection of faint, broad lines from distant galaxies. It is designed for studying star-formation across cosmic time. ZEUS-2 employs three TES bolometer arrays (555 pixels total) to deliver simultaneous, multi-beam spectra in up to 4 submillimeter windows. The NIST Boulder-built arrays operate at ~100mK and are readout via SQUID multiplexers and the Multi-Channel Electronics from the University of British Columbia. The instrument is cooled via a pulse-tube cooler and two-stage ADR. Various filter configurations give ZEUS-2 access to 7 different telluric windows from 200 to 850 micron enabling the simultaneous mapping of lines from extended sources or the simultaneous detection of the 158 micron [CII] line and the [NII] 122 or 205 micron lines from z = 1-2 galaxies. ZEUS-2 is designed for use on the CSO, APEX and possibly JCMT.