In order to determine whether selection of autograft ossicles in cholesteatomatous ear disease should be based on upon their apperance under the surgical operating microscope, we studied the histopathological features of 113 such ossicles. We attempted to correlate the extent of erosion of the ossicle, as noted under the surgical operating microscope, with their histopathological apperance. There were 60 mallei and 53 incudes. Seventy-nine ossicles were eroded and 34 were intact. The commonest abnormality noted was erosion of the long process of the incus (75 per cent). Both intact and eroded ossicles had similar histological features. There was no evidence of intra-ossicular cholesteatoma. The results suggest that the extent of erosion of these ossicles as seen under the surgical operating microscope should in no wasy prejudice their use as autografts when required.