Abstract. Citizen contributions to science have been successfully implemented in many fields -and water resources is one of them. Through citizens, it is possible to collect data and obtain a more integrated decision-making process. Specifically, data scarcity has always been an issue in flood modelling, which has been addressed in the last decades by remote sensing and is already being discussed in a citizen science scenario. In this context, this article aims to review the literature on the 10 topic and analyse the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The literature on monitoring, mapping and modelling, was evaluated according to the flood-related variable citizens contributed to. Pros and cons of the collection/analysis methods were summarised. Then, pertinent publications were mapped into the flood modelling cycle, considering how citizen data properties (spatial and temporal coverage, uncertainty and volume) are related to its integration into modelling. It was clear that the number of studies in the area is rising. There are positive experiences reported in collection and analysis methods, 15 for instance with velocity and land cover, and also when modelling is concerned, for example by using social media mining.However, matching the data properties necessary for each part of the modelling cycle with citizen generated data is still challenging. Nevertheless, the concept that citizen contributions can be used for simulation and forecasting is proved and further work lies in continuing developing and improving not only methods for collection and analysis but certainly for integration into models as well. Finally, in view of recent automated sensors and satellite technologies, it is through studies 20 as the ones analysed in this article that the value of citizen contributions is demonstrated.