One of the great challenges of electronic structure theory is the quest for the exact functional of density functional theory. Its existence is proven, but it is a complicated multivariable functional that is almost impossible to conceptualize. In this paper the asymmetric two-site Hubbard model is studied, which has a two-dimensional universe of density matrices. The exact functional becomes a simple function of two variables whose threedimensional energy landscape can be visualized and explored. A walk on this unique landscape, tilted to an angle defined by the one-electron Hamiltonian, gives a valley whose minimum is the exact total energy. This is contrasted with the landscape of some approximate functionals, explaining their failure for electron transfer in the strongly correlated limit. We show concrete examples of pure-state density matrices that are not v representable due to the underlying nonconvex nature of the energy landscape. The exact functional is calculated for all numbers of electrons, including fractional, allowing the derivative discontinuity to be visualized and understood. The fundamental gap for all possible systems is obtained solely from the derivatives of the exact functional.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.042511In 1964 Hohenberg and Kohn [1] established density functional theory (DFT) showing that the electron density Ï is all that is is necessary to determine the exact energy of many-electron systems. However, all the challenge of electronic structure is then moved into an unknown universal functional of the density F [Ï]. For a wave function v that is the ground-state solution of the Schrödinger equation with potential v,simply subtracting off the one-electron term, gives the exactThis procedure can be carried out for many different v, to obtain many points of the exact functional F HK [Ï v ]. A question arises of whether all possible densities are achievable. This is the problem of v representability that is addressed by the constrained search by Levy and Lieb [2,3] following earlier work by Percus [4],This functional is defined for all possible densities coming from a N -electron wave function, including those that are not obtainable as the ground-state solution of a Schrödinger equation (not v representable). Once the exact functional is known, the total energy is obtained by minimization only over densities,The exact functional of the first-order density matrix Îł can be derived [2,5]and used similarly, where the kinetic energy term is now a known linear functional of Îł ,In this paper, the nature of the exact first-order density matrix functional is revealed by considering the asymmetric two-site Hubbard model. In this universe, the fundamental equations are tractable and the exact functional becomes a visualizable three-dimensional energy landscape in the space of density matrices. We demonstrate how this one universal landscape gives the exact energy of all possible systems, for all numbers of electrons including fractional. This connected view of the functional for all density matri...