Array processing involves manipulation of signals induced on various antenna elements. Its capabilities of steering nulls to reduce cochannel interferences and pointing independent beams toward various mobiles, as well as its ability to provide estimates of directions of radiating sources, make it attractive to a mobile communications system designer. Array processing is expected to play an important role in fulfilling the increased demands of various mobile communications services. Part I of this paper showed how an array could be utilized in different configurations to improve the performance of mobile communications systems, with references to various studies where feasibility of an array system for mobile communications is considered. This paper provides a comprehensive and detailed treatment of different beam-forming schemes, adaptive algorithms to adjust the required weighting on antennas, direction-of-arrival estimation methods-including their performance comparison-and effects of errors on the performance of an array system, as well as schemes to alleviate them. This paper brings together almost all aspects of array signal processing. It is presented at a level appropriate to nonexperts in the field and contains a large reference list to probe further.