Table of Contents iv
GeneralIntroduction 1 Chapter 1 Mobilising Indexicality, Memory and Affect in the Photographic Representation and Mediation of Traumatic Histories 9 Sin título/Untitled #16, Paispamba, Cauca, 2018. [Calotipo/Calotype] Sin título/Untitled #17, Puerto Asis, 2017. [Calotipo/Calotype]Creo que Colombia debe caminar hacia la paz, la paz total, la paz total, no repetir la historia que hemos tenido durante más de 50 años, que es la historia de la guerra, la historia del conflicto armado, dejando sangre y dejando dolor, dejando viudas, dejando huérfanos, dejando muchos problemas.I believe that Colombia must walk towards peace, full peace, total peace, repeat the history that we have had for more than 50 years, which is the history of war, the history of armed conflict, leaving blood and leaving pain, leaving widows, leaving orphans, leaving many problems.