The present study qualitatively explored, via semi-structured interviews, the educational beliefs of 12 Special Education Teachers (SETs) and eight principals working within Emergency Shelter On-site Schools (ESOSs) throughout Israel. Findings of the Deductive-Qualitative Approach (DQA) focus on the following educational belief categories: 1) the professional role of SETs within ESOSs; 2) the ESOS context/environment; 3) ESOS students' special needs, diversity, and abilities; 4) the content/knowledge taught within ESOSs; and 5) the teaching practices incorporated within ESOSs. A broad perspective of the findings revealed three novel continuums, titled: 1) mono-multi, 2) independent-integrated, and 3) structured-flexible, upon which SETs' and principals' educational beliefs are situated. Study findings enhance the research fields of both educational beliefs and ESOSs, for the ultimate benefit and positive trajectory of ESOS students.