Practicum is one of the essential learning aspects of physics learning that is required in the 2013 curriculum. The problem of High School Physics teachers in West Aceh Regency is the limited facilities and infrastructure for the Physics laboratory. The development of Information Technology (IT) enables the Virtual Laboratory of Physics is implemented using a smartphone device. Technology transfer using IT in learning is carried out for High School Physics teachers in the West Aceh district. The method used is physics training using virtual experiments. The training participants are all High School Physics teachers in West Aceh District. The aim of the activity is to train physics teachers’ ability of IT which can be applied in learning activities at High Schools in the West Aceh district. The results of the activity were that 100% of the participants could master IT technology using a Smart Phone for a virtual practicum on Wave material. Therefore, they feel that there is an increase in their pedagogical ability in carrying out their duties and the optimists can apply this in the learning process in their place of duty. 75% of trainee teachers believe that the application of virtual practicum methods in learning can improve students’ understanding of physics subject matter; 12.5% of participants were not sure and 6.25% of participants were not sure that learning Physics using the virtual experiment method could improve students’ understanding. The benefits of the activity are expected to increase the human resources of High School Physics teachers in West Aceh district in utilizing the Virtual Laboratory so that it supports the physics learning process using practicum methods and online learning.