Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi keunikan tempat atau sense of place dari Pasar Barang Antik Triwindo Surakarta, khususnya pada faktor fisik dan sosialnya. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilaksanakan dengan pengambilan data melalui focus group discussion pengunjung, studi literatur dan dokumen, observasi dan dokumentasi visual. Informan dalam focus group discussion berjumlah 11 orang yaitu pengelola, pengunjung dan juga pedagang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor faktor-faktor fisik pembentuk sense of place Pasar Triwindu adalah arsitektur dan kawasan (fasad bangunan menggambarkan arsitektur rumah Jawa, kawasan Ngarsopuro yang unik, ornamen ukiran khas Jawa pada fasad, patung Roro Blonyo pada gerbang pasar dan patung topeng pada halaman), interior (pengelompokan area berdasarkan jenis barang dagangan, display barang dagangan pada elemen ruang dinding, pembatas lapak, tangga dan plafon, batas lapak pada lantai, signage, lebar koridor), dan varian produk dagangan. Sedangkan faktor sosial adalah history dan memory, narasi pohon sawo kecik, karakter pedagang dan pengunjung, aktivitas even kuliner dan promosi. Kata kunci : koridor komersial, sense of place, pasar triwindu, barang antik Sense of place of Triwindu Antique Market: Exploration of Physical and Social Factors at Commercial Complex This research aims to explore the uniqueness of a place's sense of place of Triwindu Antique Market in Surakarta, by focusing on its physical and social factors. This qualitative research is carried out by obtaining the data through focus group discussion for visitors, literature and document studies, and observation and visual documentation as well. The informants in the focus group discussion consist of eleven people who are managers, visitors and sellers. The research results reveal the physical factors that shape the sense of place of The Triwindu market are architecture and area (the building facade describes the architecture of Javanese house, the unique Ngarsopuro area, Javanese carved ornaments on the facade, the Loro Blonyo statuettes at the market gate, and the Mask statue on the frontyard), interiors (dividing the area based on types of selling products which are displayed on walls, stall barriers, stairways and ceilings, floor borders, signage, the corridor width), selling product variants. Meanwhile, the social factors are history and memory, the narration of sapodilla tree, character of sellers and buyers, and culinary event and promotion activities.