This article presents causal recipes leading to high and low energy consumption efficiency performances using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). The study found that several causal conditions are sufficient for high energy efficiency performance, including several fiscal and financial incentive policies, a highly educated population, many completed dwellings, and low GDP. The study also found that high inequality in completed dwellings and completed reconstructions, coupled with a low GDP and a low number of policies, lead to high energy consumption efficiency performance. In addition, the analysis showed slight differences between the yearly consistencies, suggesting that time effects are not a concern. On the other hand, a low education level, Gini coefficient, few completed dwellings and reconstructions, coupled with a low number of fiscal and financial policies, are the causal conditions leading to low energy consumption efficiency performance. The study’s results suggest that policymakers and stakeholders should consider a combination of several causal conditions when implementing energy efficiency policies. The study also highlights the need for policies focusing on education, fiscal and financial incentives, completed dwellings, and reconstructions to achieve high energy efficiency performance.