Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting the academic achievement of international students in degree programs in global education environment. Based on exploratory research, this study proposed four factors and examined effects of academic factors on academic satisfaction, effects of social factors on social adjustment, effects of cultural factors on cultural adaption, effects of economic factors on financial stability, and effects of four factors on academic achievement of international students. Research design, data, and methodology: This study conducted online survey to collect the data and results provide importance to increase interactivity between international students and teachers and between international students and hosting country"s students. Results: The results of this study found what variables affect four proposed factors, while academic satisfaction significantly affects academic achievement rather than other factors. Conclusions: The results show how to improve academic related variables is key for the success of academic achievement. Results of this study provide implications which aspects should be considered to increase overall academic achievement by managing and improving the quality of higher education in global setting. This study provides managerial and policy implications for enhanced academic achievement of international students in global context.