Road intersections is designed to be able to move one lane of the road to another without any conflicts ofcongestion or traffic accidents. In planning, designing and operating road intersections services in Indonesiausing the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual 1997 (IHCM). The use of IHCM is considered necessary toadjust to current conditions. Alternatives in the design and assessment of deviation performance can use PTVVissim microsimulation modeling. This study aims to analyze the differences in the results of the calculationof the performance road intersections using IHCM and Microsimulation of PTV Vissim. Locations used inthis study in the Denggung Road intersections of Sleman regency. The result is a significant difference in thecalculation of queue length using IHCM and Vissim. The largest queue length value from the north is 227.2meters using IHCM and 125.44 meters using Vissim where the traffic flow from the north direction has thegreatest value. The delay at the largest deviation from the north is 58.72 seconds using IHCM and 116seconds using Vissim. The second level of service value calculations show poor performance.