Interference with
protein–protein interfaces represents
an attractive as well as challenging option for therapeutic intervention
and drug design. The enzyme tRNA-guanine transglycosylase, a target
to fight Shigellosis, is only functional as a homodimer. Although
we previously produced monomeric variants by site-directed mutagenesis,
we only crystallized the functional dimer, simply because upon crystallization
the local protein concentration increases and favors formation of
the dimer interface, which represents an optimal and highly stable
packing of the protein in the solid state. Unfortunately, this prevents
access to structural information about the interface geometry in its
monomeric state and complicates the development of modulators that
can interfere with and prevent dimer formation. Here, we report on
a cysteine-containing protein variant in which, under oxidizing conditions,
a disulfide linkage is formed. This reinforces a novel packing geometry
of the enzyme. In this captured quasi-monomeric state, the monomer
units arrange in a completely different way and, thus, expose a loop–helix
motif, originally embedded into the old interface, now to the surface.
The motif adopts a geometry incompatible with the original dimer formation.
Via the soaking of fragments into the crystals, we identified several
hits accommodating a cryptic binding site next to the loop–helix
motif and modulated its structural features. Our study demonstrates
the druggability of the interface by breaking up the homodimeric protein
using an introduced disulfide cross-link. By rational concepts, we
increased the potency of these fragments to a level where we confirmed
their binding by NMR to a nondisulfide-linked TGT variant. The idea
of intermediately introducing a disulfide linkage may serve as a general
concept of how to transform a homodimer interface into a quasi-monomeric
state and give access to essential structural and design information.