Recent studies have emphasized the need for understanding the accumulation and fate of metal contaminants at different trophic levels and across a broad spectrum of lake types. To address both issues, metal concentrations (Hg, Zn, Cd, As, and Pb) were measured in the water, two size fractions of zooplankton, and fish from 20 lakes in contaminated to pristine watersheds in the northeastern United States. Our goals were to examine links between watershed characteristics and aqueous metal levels in lakes and relationships between aqueous concentrations, metal burdens in different plankton groups and in fish. Two pairs of metals, (1) Hg and Zn and (2) As and Pb, exhibited strong similarities both in the factors that predict their concentrations in water and in the patterns of accumulation in particular trophic levels. Aqueous concentrations of Hg and Zn were highest in cool water lakes, whereas As and Pb were highest in more eutrophic lakes in agricultural areas. Aqueous Cd concentrations were closely correlated with the land-use variables, percentage of agricultural land, and road densities. Similarly, Hg and Zn both biomagnified from small plankton (45-202 m) to macrozooplankton (ÏŸ202 m) and from macrozooplankton to fish. In contrast, bioaccumulation of both As and Pb diminished with increasing trophic level. Although aqueous metal and zooplankton metal levels were not significant predictors of As and Pb levels in fish, metal levels in zooplankton were predictive of Hg and Zn in fish, suggesting that sources of bioaccumulation differ for different metals. Our findings demonstrate the importance of investigating upper and lower trophic levels separately, to fully understand metal transfer pathways in aquatic food webs.Metals transferred through aquatic food webs to fish, humans, and other piscivorous animals are of environmental and human health concern. High levels of Hg in fish from apparently pristine lakes have resulted in the adoption of conservative fish consumption advisories in many states (HĂ„kanson et al. 1988;DiFranco et al. 1995;USEPA 1997;Yeardley et al. 1998). However, pathways of metal movement from land to water and then through aquatic food webs are not well understood. This makes it difficult to extrapolate findings from single systems to other lakes or to account for the significant variation in metal levels found in the fish from different lakes within the same geographic regions. Our broad goal is to elucidate factors across a variety of lake types that determine metal levels in water, in fish, and in the zooplankton, which are the primary dietary conduit of metal from water to pelagic feeding fish.Although knowledge of metal movement in freshwater systems has grown significantly in recent years, there are still large gaps in our understanding. For example, most past studies of metals focus on a few taxa, single metals, or transfer mechanisms in a small portion of the food web (Prahalad