Advances in multidetector CT (MDCT) technology with submillimeter slice collimation and high temporal resolution permit contrast-enhanced imaging of coronary arteries and coronary plaque during a single breath hold. Appropriate patient preparation, detailed technical and technological knowledge with regard to recognition of typical imaging artifacts (such as beam hardening or motion artifacts), and the adequate choice of postprocessing techniques to detect stenosis and plaque are prerequisites to achieving diagnostic image quality. A growing number of studies have suggested that 64-slice coronary CT angiography is highly accurate for the exclusion of significant coronary artery stenosis (.50% luminal narrowing), with negative predictive values of 97%-100%, in comparison with invasive selective coronary angiography. In addition, several studies have indicated that MDCT also can detect calcified and noncalcified coronary atherosclerotic plaques, especially in proximal vessel segments, showing a good correlation with intracoronary ultrasound. Studies on clinical utility, cost, and cost-effectiveness are now warranted to demonstrate whether and how this technique can change and improve the current management of patients with suspected or confirmed coronary artery disease.Key Words: coronary CT angiography; coronary MDCT; coronary artery stenosis; cardiology Nucl Med 2006; 47:797-806 Overt he last five years a dramatic improvement in multidetector CT (MDCT) technology has occurred. The ability to noninvasively image the coronary artery lumen and wall and obtain information on the presence, severity, and characteristics of coronary artery disease (CAD), including the visualization of luminal obstruction and atherosclerotic plaque, constitutes an attractive addition to currently available diagnostic tools, such as nuclear perfusion imaging or invasive selective coronary angiography, for the work-up of patients with known or suspected CAD.
JThis review provides detailed information on how to perform state-of-the-art coronary CT angiography (CTA) examinations, including patient preparation, image acquisition, and evaluation techniques. In addition, the potential clinical applications and limitations of the technique are discussed.
PATIENT PREPARATIONHigh-quality source images are the most important prerequisite for the diagnostic assessment of coronary CTA. Image quality must be ensured through multiple steps, including patient preparation, the actual coronary CTA scan protocol, and the synchronization of raw image data with electrocardiography (ECG) information, which enables the reconstruction of axial ECG-gated images. Because the injection of iodinated contrast material is necessary to visualize the coronary artery lumen, coronary CTA is absolutely contraindicated in some subjects. Relative contraindications exist with respect to conditions that are known to limit diagnostic image quality. Table 1 summarizes absolute and relative contraindications.
PremedicationThe image quality of coronary CTA is substantially im...