“…This may be related to the later reproduction of other fish species as tench Tinca tinca , common carp Cyprinus carpio, minnow Phoxinus phoxinus, barbel Barbus barbus , or common bream Abramis brama , which compensated mortality of the early spawning species as roach and chub (Bass, Pinder, & Leach, ; Pinder, ). Habitat diversity afforded by lateral connections and low mainstream regulation could improve fish recruitment by offering nursery habitat for a larger number of species, and potentially a wider diversity of food sources (Keckeis, Winkler, Flore, Reckendorfer, & Schiemer, ; Konrad et al., ; Nagayama & Nakamura, ; Reckendorder et al., ; Schiemer, Spindler, Wintersberger, Schneider, & Chovanec, ). In the Great Ouse River, the recruitment of numerous species decreased and many cyprinid fish became locally extinct due to the river regulation and habitat homogenisation (Copp, ).…”