During the next several decades the aging of the “baby boom” generation in the United States will result in a dramatic increase in the number of patients over the age of 65 years seeking medical care. However, current projections suggest that the shortage of Geriatric trained specialists will only worsen during this time period. As a result, the care of elderly patients will largely fall to other types of physicians. Consequently, it is imperative that medical school training include exposure to the basic skills needed to safely care for older adults. This goal is challenging as the number of Geriatric Medicine faculty in most academic medical centers is small, and multiple other medical specialties are also vying for time in a busy medical school curriculum. We explored whether a brief three day course conducted during the third year of medical school could teach basic principles of Geriatric Medicine in a time and manpower effective manner. We found that even this brief exposure to Geriatrics could have meaningful impacts on student knowledge of and comfort with Geriatrics.