The internationalisation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is an increasing phenomenon but the effective advantages of internationalisation have been disputed yet. This study extends internationalisation research by focusing on learning perspective to investigate the relationship between firm's internationalisation and performance. Specifically, a path regression model is applied to examine how exploitative and exploratory learning is able to moderate SMEs' exporting process to drive business performance. The differences in organisational learning are further investigated compared to domestic firms. The findings suggest exploitation does not affect SMEs' internationalisationperformance link but it is likely a critical antecedent to efficiently move to global markets, while exploration plays a significant role to positively leverage the effect of international involvement on business performance.
Second abstractAunque la internacionalizaciòn de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) es un fenomeno cada vez màs extendido, todavia hay muchas dudas sobre sus reales beneficios en terminos de rendimientos financieros. Este estudio contribuye a la investigación sobre la internacionalizaciòn analizando la relaciòn entre la internacionalizaciòn y el rendimiento desde una perspectiva basada en el aprendizaje. En primer lugar, se ha realizado una comparaciòn entre empresas internacionales y empresas locales para evaluar la existencia de diferentes niveles de aprendizaje. Despuès, un modelo de análisis de senderos ha sido implementado para estudiar el rol del aprendizaje de explotación y exploración para moderar el
Forthcoming in Journal of International Entrepreneurship2 efecto del proceso de exportaciòn de los rendimientos de las PYME. Los resultados demuestran, por una parte, que el aprendizaje de explotación no afecta en la relaciòn entre la internacionalizaciòn y el rendimiento y podria ser màs bien una condiciòn previa para acceder al mercado global, y por otro lado, al contrario, el aprendizaje de exploración favorecido del aumento de la implicaciòn internacional genera efectos positivos sobre los rendimientos financieros de empresas Keywords Internationalisation, exporting, exploitative and exploratory learning, business performance, SMEs.
Summary HighlightsContributions: Since the uncertainty related to internationalisation-performance relationship for both small and large businesses, this study focuses on SMEs' internationalisation in order to examine the role of exploitative and exploratory learning in leveraging the effect of exporting process on financial performance. Purpose/Research Question: Does international involvement of SMEs affect their business performance? What is the role of learning on internationalisationperformance link? Are the exporting SMEs more learning oriented than domestic ones? And, more specifically, how does the exploitative and exploratory learning moderate the effect of SMEs' exporting on business performance? Findings/Results: Path regression model is implemented to te...