“…While these questions are hardly addressed in the current street-performance literature, the research regarding customer experience and that regarding audience experience in the “non-street” performing-arts contexts together provide some clues for assuming the importance of environment in SAE. Customers’ experience of a given service transaction can be influenced by their perception about the environment where the transaction takes place; this premise has received empirical support in a variety of research contexts (Bitner, 1990; Chang, Shu, & King, 2014; El Sayed, Farrag, & Belk, 2004; Hansen, 2002; Pilpel, 1996; Rogers, Edwards, Hudman, & Perera, 2016). SAE is also a type of customer experience, as it leads to customer judgments (e.g., perception and liking of the performance) and customer behaviors (e.g., donation of money); hence, we expect that the environment plays a similarly important role in SAE as it does in other customer-experience contexts.…”