CASSIER, P., and PAPILLON, M. 1991. Ultrastructural studies of the in vitro chitin and cuticle secretions in the wing pads of Locusta. Can. J . Zool. 69: [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38].Cuticle deposition and chitin synthesis in the wing pads of 1-day-old fifth-instar larvae of Locusta were stimulated in vitro by 20-hydroxyecdysone and makisterone A. Stimulation was dose-dependent from 2 X lop7 to 2 X lop5 M. The response appeared after a 36-to 48-h lag period characterized by inhibition of the postecdysial activity of the previous cuticular cycle. The hormones stimulated deposition of the epicuticular layers, triggered uptake of the chitin precursor N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and biosynthesis of chitin, and initiated microtubular bundle orientation. Ecdysone has no effect on these processes. Ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone do not act synergistically on chitin biosynthesis. These data confirm earlier observations on the differential effects of the major forms of ecdysteroids, ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone, on the activity of epidermal cells of locusts. Chitin biosynthesis by 20-hydroxyecdysone stimulated cells requires the integrity of the microtubular system and the chitin-synthetase complex. It was inhibited by colcemid, a microtubular poison, and by diflubenzuron, an inhibitor of chitin synthetase. These drugs had no effect on apolysis and epicuticular secretion. The in vitro biosynthesis of chitin was also inhibited by azadirachtin, a cytotoxic drug. CASSIER, P., et PAPILLON, M. 1991. Ultrastructural studies of the in vitro chitin and cuticle secretions in the wing pads of Locusta. Can. J . Zool. 69 : 29-38.Le dCpBt de la cuticule et la biosynthese de la chitine par les ptkrotheques de larves du cinquieme stade de Locusta, BgCes de 1 jour, sont stimulCs in vitro par la 20-hydroxyecdysone et par la makistkrone A. La stimulation est fonction de la dose aux concentrations comprises entre 2 x lop7 et 2 X M. La rCponse apparait apres une pCriode de latence de 36-48 h caractCrisCe par l'inhibition Qe I'activitC post-exuviale du cycle cuticulaire prickdent. Les hormones favorisent le dCpBt des assises Cpicuticulaires, stimulent l'incorporation de la N-acCty1-D-glucosamine, prCcurseur de la chitine, dCclenchent la biosynthese de la chitine et la disposition en faisceaux des microtubules. L'ecdysone n'a pas d'effet significatif sur ces processus; en revanche, elle induit la diffkrenciation cellulaire. L'ecdysone et la 20-hydroxyecdysone n'ont pas d'effet synergique sur la biosynthese de la chitine. Ces observations confirment les donnCes antirieures quant h l'action diffkrentielle des ecdystkroi'des majeurs, l'ecdysone et la 20-hydroxyecdysone, sur I'activitC des cellules Cpidermiques des Criquets. La biosynthese de la chitine par les cellules stimulkes par la 20-hydroxyecdysone requiert I'intCgritC du systeme microtubulaire et de la chitine-synthCtase. Elle est inhibCe par la colcCmide, poison microtubulaire, et par le diflubenzuron, inhibiteur de la chitine-synthCtase. Ces drogues n'ont pas d'effet sur l'apol...