Currently, the second-and third-generation enzyme immu-infection, assessment of the severity of liver disease, monitornoassays (EIA-2 and EIA-3) for hepatitis C virus antibody ing progress of liver disease, determination of the likelihood (anti-HCV) are the most practical screening tests for the diag-of response to interferon therapy, and monitoring of response nosis of HCV infection. The need for and the choice of supple-to treatment. mentary or confirmatory tests depend on the clinical setting and the likelihood of a true-positive EIA result. Detection of DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATITIS C HCV RNA in serum by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay Anti-HCV Tests. Currently, the second-generation enzyme is the gold standard for the diagnosis of HCV infection. Howimmunoassays (EIA-2) for anti-HCV are the most practical ever, the lack of uniformity in current PCR assays has tarscreening tests for the diagnosis of HCV infection in the nished this standard. Confirmatory tests for the diagnosis of United States. 1,2 These assays detect antibodies to recombi-HCV infection are in general unnecessary in anti-HCV-posinant HCV antigens from the core (C22) and nonstructural tive patients who present with chronic liver disease. When regions 3 (C33) and 4 (C-100). They are easy to perform indicated, the most appropriate test in this setting is a qualitaand the results are highly reproducible. Recently, third-gentive PCR assay for HCV RNA. Confirmatory tests should aleration EIAs (EIA-3) have been approved by the Food and ways be performed in anti-HCV-positive blood donors and Drug Administration for blood donor screening. EIA-3 differs individuals with normal aminotransferase levels. The most from EIA-2 in that it incorporates additional recombinant appropriate approach is to retest for anti-HCV using recombi-HCV antigen from the nonstructural region 5 (NS5). EIA-3 is nant immunoblot assay (RIBA) and then test for HCV RNA slightly more sensitive than EIA-2, but most of the improved using PCR assay in those who are RIBA positive or indetermisensitivity appears to be attributable to increased detection nate. Liver histology is the gold standard in assessing severity of anti-C33 and not the addition of NS5. [3][4][5] The secondof liver disease. Quantitative tests for serum HCV RNA levels generation recombinant immunoblot assays (RIBA-2) permit do not help to determine the severity of liver disease. At the the detection of antibodies to individual recombinant HCV moment, HCV genotyping should be considered a research antigens: C22, C33, C-100, and 5-1-1 (overlaps with C-100). tool and not a part of the diagnostic work-up in clinical pracPatients who react to two or more HCV antigens are considtice. The goals of treatment for chronic hepatitis C are susered to be RIBA positive, whereas those who react to one tained biochemical and virological response. Viral clearance HCV antigen only are considered to have indeterminate reshould be determined by qualitative PCR assay. Quantifying sults. 1,2 RIBAs are technically more demanding than EIAs, ...