We establish existence of eta-invariants as well as of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer and the Cheeger-Gromov rho-invariants for a class of Dirac operators on an incomplete edge space. Our analysis applies in particular to the signature and the spin Dirac operator. We derive an analogue of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem for incomplete edge spaces and their non-compact infinite Galois coverings with edge singular boundary. Our arguments employ microlocal analysis of the heat kernel asymptotics on incomplete edge spaces and the classical argument of Atiyah-Patodi-Singer. As an application, we discuss stability results for the two rho-invariants we have defined.Date: This document was compiled on: December 14, 2018. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 58J20, 58J28. 1 2. Review of geometry on incomplete edge spaces Consider a compact smoothly stratified space M of depth 1 and dimension m: we shall assume that M is the disjoint union of the top stratum M, a smooth manifold of dimension m, and finitely many lower dimensional strata {B i }, i ∈ I, where each B i is a closed compact manifold of dimension b i . For notational simplicity we continue with the case of a single stratum B of dimension b, the general case is studied in an analogous way. The stratification hypothesis asserts the existence of an open neighbourhood U ⊂ M around the singular stratum B, together with a distance function x : U → [0, 1), such that U ∩ M is the total space of a smooth fibre bundle over B with the fibre given by a truncated cone C (F ) = (0, 1) × F over a compact smooth manifold F of dimension f ≥ 1. The distance function x restricts to a radial function of that cone on each fibre. We shall refer to such a stratified space as a simple edge space, or, shortly, as an edge space.The stratified space M can be resolved to define a compact manifold M c , with boundary ∂M c being the total space of a fibration φ : ∂M c → B with fibre F . Under the resolution, the neighborhood U lifts to a collar neighborhood U ⊂ M c , which is a smooth fibration of cylinders [0, 1) × F over B with radial function x. The open regular stratum M is identified with M c \∂M c .Notation: with a small abuse of notation we shall denote ∂M c by ∂M.An edge structure on M is defined by a particular choice of a Riemannian metric. 7 the bordisms are assumed to have edges of odd dimension.