The minimization of autoignition risk is critical to premixer design. Safety factors based on ignition delays of homogeneous mixtures, are generally used to guide the choice of a residence time for a given premixer. However, autoignition chemistry at aeroderivative conditions is fast (0.5-2 milliseconds) and can be initiated within typical premixer residence times. The analysis of what takes place in this short period involves the study of low-temperature precursor chemistry. By coupling the evolution of the Chemical Explosive Modes to turbulence, it is possible to obtain a measure of spatial autoignition risk where both chemical (e.g. ignition delay) and aerodynamic (e.g. local residence time) influences are unified.
In this article, we describe a method that couples Large Eddy Simulation to newly developed, reduced autoignition chemical kinetics to study autoignition precursors in an example premixer representative of real life geometric complexity. A blend of pure methane and dimethyl ether (DME), a common fuel used for experimental autoignition studies, was transported using the reduced mechanism (38 species / 238 reactions) at engine conditions at increasing levels of DME concentration until exothermic autoignition kernels were formed. The Chemical Explosive Mode analysis closely follows the large thermochemical changes in the premixer as a function of DME concentration and identifies where the premixer is sensitive and flame anchoring is likely to occur.