Along with the growth of awareness in the society about 'Green Living' nowadays, more and more business development of housing projects in Jakarta which brings the topic of 'Green Estate' as their brand and branding strategy. Green Estate is a sustainably developed housing with the attention to aspects of energy saving, the provision of environmentally friendly infrastructure, the provision of green open spaces, waste management, environmentally friendly building design, the provision of alternative energy and citizen participation. Branding is a strategy, method, way or effort to convey a product brand to consumers so that the product is known and then widely consumed by the community. It is important to explore the extent to which the brand and branding strategy on the topic of 'Green Estate' is involved in the practice of developing a housing project in Jakarta, and how its implementation into the real product. This paper discusses the results of research on the brand and branding of 'Green Estate' in the housing project in Jakarta, covering three things: (1) mapping the type and coverage of the brand 'Green Estate', (2) exploring the branding strategy by the developer in communicating the product 'Green Estate 'to consumers, and (3) the implementation of brand and branding strategy 'Green Estate' into the product. This research uses a mixed method, that is the quantitative method by utilizing housing data in REI directory book; and qualitative methods through direct observation of selected housing samples.E3S Web of Conferences 67, 04025 (2018) 3 rd i-TREC 2018