The article presents the results of three-year studies of the impact of the biological preparation Organic-Balance and organo-mineral fertilizer Helprost with Liposam adhesive on the sowing area of garlic of the winter variety Prometheus. It was established that under the conditions of drip irrigation and fertilization with the biological preparation Organic-Balance, organo-mineral fertilizer Helprost and adhesive Liposam with the rate of 2/2/1 l/ha in the phase of intensive growth and development of winter garlic plants were higher than the control variant by 39.4% and 37.3%, the area of the leaf blade is 280.5 cm2 and 252.7 cm2. In the first version, where the plants were watered only with water, the height was 57.4 cm, the area of the assimilation surface was 183.5 cm2. After fertilizing with organo-mineral fertilizer Helprost and adhesive Liposam at the rate of 2/1 and 1/1 l/ha, garlic plants were higher than the control variant by 37.9% and 36.4%, the leaf surface area was 224.0 cm2 and 199.6 cm2 respectively. When fed with the biological preparation Organic-balance and Liposam adhesive with a rate of 2/1 l/ha, the increase in plant height compared to the control was higher by 38.2%, the area of the leaves was 236.5 cm2. The conducted studies show a significant effect of feeding with biopreparations and organic-mineral fertilizers on crop formation. Thus, the best indicator was noted in the case of simultaneous treatment of single-toothed crops with the biological preparation Organic-Balance and organo-mineral fertilizer Helprost with the adhesive Liposam with the rate of 2/2/1 l/ha and with the rate of 2/1/1 l/ha, the yield was the highest 18, 7 and 18.3 t/ha, the yield premium was 6.5 and 6.1 t/ha, respectively. Somewhat lower indicators were obtained for feeding with the biological preparation Organic-balance, but it exceeded the control variant by 5.2 t/ha. When fertilizing with organo-mineral fertilizer Helprost with Lyposam adhesive, higher productivity indicators were obtained in the version with the rate of its application of 2/1 l/ha and prevailed over the control by 2.6%, while when fertilizing with the rate of 1/1 l/ha l/ha supplement to the harvest was 1.9%.