We present deuteron quadrupole coupling constants (DQCC) for hydroxyl-functionalized ionic liquids (ILs) in the crystalline or glassy states characterizing two types of hydrogen bonding:T he regular Coulomb-enhanced hydrogen bonds between cation and anion (c-a), and the unusual hydrogen bonds between cation and cation (c-c), which are present despite repulsive Coulomb forces.W em easure these sensitive probes of hydrogen bonding by means of solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The DQCCs of (c-a) ion pairs and (c-c) Hbonds are compared to those of salt bridges in supramolecular complexes and those present in molecular liquids.A tl ow temperatures,t he (c-c) species successfully compete with the (c-a) ion pairs and dominate the cluster populations.Equilibrium constants obtained from molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations show vantH off behavior with small transition enthalpies between the differently H-bonded species.W eshow that cationic-cluster formation prevents these ILs from crystallizing.W ith cooling,t he (c-c) hydrogen bonds persist, resulting in supercooling and glass formation.Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.