DEDICATÓRIAAos meus pais, Milton e Carmen, que sempre me mostraram a importância da educação para atingir todos os objetivos na vida, principalmente minha mãe que não deixava passar nenhuma tarefa mal feita.A minha esposa Andréa Iguma, que esteve comigo em todas as fases difíceis e tensas pelas quais passei, com companheirismo, paciência e principalmente amor.Aos meus filhos Enzo e Igor por me mostrar a verdadeira importância da vida.
AGRADECIMENTOS ESPECIAISÀ minha orientadora, Profa. Dra. Tomie Toyota de Campos, por acreditar no meu projeto, sempre me incentivando e orientando nas dificuldades do Doutorado. Um exemplo de pessoa e profissional na condução das descobertas e barreiras vencidas durante esta jornada.Ao Prof. Dr. Luiz Antonio Pugliesi A. de Lima que enriqueceu meu projeto inicial com seu conhecimento científico, tornando-o muito mais rico e completo.A Profa. Dra. Silvana Cai, que abriu as portas de seu laboratório e de seus conhecimentos sobre microbiologia permitindo a execução deste projeto.A Profa. Dra. Alyne Simões, pelos ensinamentos sobre terapia fotodinâmica, um mundo novo cheio de descobertas.A Profa. Dra. Marlene Fenyo Soeiro de Matos Pereira, pela pronta disposição e contribuição com seus conhecimentos sobre Radiologia. Bacterial colonization of the peri-implant sulcus occurs very early, right after the implant placement surgery. To this purpose, the project was proposed to evaluate the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the maintenance of {the} alveolar bone crest. In a split-mouth study, 20 patients were rehabilitated with Standard Plus implants (Straumann ® ) and they were divided into two groups: a control group (CG) and a group submitted to photodynamic therapy (GPDT), whose protocol was:
AGRADECIMENTOSenergy density of 120J/cm 2 at power of 40 mW, combined with 0,005% methylene blue. The applications were performed on the day of implant placement, after 15, 30and 45 days. Microbiological samples were collected in the initial period and after 6 weeks on both groups, using sterile paper cones. In GPDT, two other collections were made after the application of the therapy: on the day of surgery and after 45 days. The total colony forming units (UFCt) and pigmented black units (UFCpig) were week. The IP and SS were similar in both groups. Radiographic evaluation indicated that there was an increasing loss of bone crest during the initial period and the installation of the prosthesis, which remained stable after a year of function for both groups. The bone loss average from the initial period until the installation of the prosthesis was 0,73mm for the GC and 0,84mm for the GPDT. During the prosthetic function the bone loss averages were, respectively, 0,27mm and 0,19mm for the GC and for the GPDT, with no statistically significant difference for both groups. The data led to the conclusion that: PDT is effective in reducing UFCt and UFCpig present in the peri-implant groove during the osseointegration; the PDT does not avoid the recolonization or bacterial growth over time, except for ...