Thrombolysis with intravenous rt-PA is an effective recanalizing treatment for ischemic stroke within 4 and half hours from its onset 1 . It is clear that by providing the treatment earlier the outcome is better with fewer complications 2,3 . A pooled study 4 demonstrated that short stroke-onset-to-treatment time (OTT) with rt-PA had better functional outcomes (modified Rankin Scale, mRS, score of 0 to 1) than patients treated beyond the 90 minute OTT, with odds of 2.8 (95%CI 1.8-4.5) for OTT between 0 to 90 min in comparison to odds of 1.6 (1.1-2.2) for OTT between 91 to 180 min. A more recent pooled reanalysis with additional data showed similar findings 5 ; the number of patients needed to treat (NNT) to achieve an mRS score of 0 to 1 for OTT within 90 minutes is 4.5, whereas the NNT doubled to 9 for OTT between 91-180, and to 14 for OTT between 181-270 minutes.Therefore, the goal for an optimal treatment should be to target an OTT under 90 minutes, as pictured in Figure 1. Based on the recommended American Heart Association (AHA) stroke guideline (the text and references 6,7 in Figure 1 are derived from it 8 ), the time limits for pre-hospital (30 minutes) plus hospital care (60 minutes) fill up the 90 minute window. Experience has demonstrated that process improvement can lower the time spent in the pre-hospital 9 and hospital 10,11,12,13 phases, and educational awareness campaigns can improve stroke recognition and time to seek help 8 . Therefore, combining best practices and available technologies, it is possible to respond within 90 minutes. The strategy and plan of action require commitment from the stakeholders, including society and in particular patients at risk. We need to move forward to interpret the 60 minute door to needle recommendation as more than a time to attain. The door-to-needle time needs to
AbstrActIntravenous rt-PA is an effective recanalizing treatment for ischemic stroke within 4 and half hours from its onset (Onset-to-Treatment [OTT]), with the best result seen in those treated within 90 minutes OTT. Yet few patients currently are treated in this time frame. From the standpoint of process improvement or a lean thinking perspective, there is a potential opportunity to reduce the time by eliminating non-value-added steps in each element of the stroke survival chain. The reduction in one time element does not necessarily shift the OTT under 90 minutes. Most likely, the reduction in OTT requires a coordinated approach to track and improve all elements of OTT, from the patient's ability to recognize the onset of stroke up to delivery of medication. Shortening this total time should be a considered an indicator of quality improvement in acute stroke care.Keywords: stroke, thrombolysis, quality, safety.
resumoTratamento intravenoso com rt-PA é eficaz na recanalização do acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCI) no prazo de até 4 horas e meia de seu início (OTT), com o melhor resultado visto naqueles tratados dentro de 90 minutos OTT. Apesar disso, poucos são tratados neste período de ...