Charge Transfer Mechanisms / Crystal Defects / Electrochemistry / SemiconductorsCathodic hole injection by Fe(CN):-ions was observed at mechanically damaged, i.e. dislocation containing, p-Si electrodes in contact with aqueous electolytes. The injection current was observed to start at a potential corresponding to a substantial band bending and to reach a saturation region. In that saturation region the current density was somewhat less than linearly dependent on the Fe(CN)a-concentration and increased with increasing depth of damage, i.e. average depth of dislocations. The observations could be explained by a model in which it was assumed that the dislocations behave as microelectrodes with hole injection limited by Fe(CN)a-diffusion to the electrodes. The holes are then conducted along the dislocation lines to where tunneling to the valence band becomes possible.
Electrochemistry / Ellipsometry / Interfaces / Semiconductors / Surface AnalysisFrom ellipsometric measurements, combined with surface analysis by SEM, Auger spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, it appears that a porous arsenic layer develops upon the p-type gallium arsenide electrode surface in acid aqueous indifferent electrolyte solution during anodic current flow. Due to its porosity, this layer does not affect the forward current-potential characteristics of the electrode. Also under opencircuit circumstances in the same electrolyte, the arsenic layer appears to grow. The probable reactions corresponding to both arsenic deposition processes are discussed. Ber. Bunsenyes. Phys. Chem. 95 (1991) No. 2 0 VCH Verlaysgesellschafr mbH, W-6940 Weinheim. 1991 oUU5-Yo21/9t/O2U2-Ut70 $ 3.50 + .25lU