The present study reports a novel method for the separation of the high-molecular-weight anionic polysaccharides, iota, kappa, and lambda carrageenans, in capillary electrophoresis (CE). Carrageenan samples are first derivatised with 9-aminopyrene-1,4,6-trisulfonic acid (APTS), separated in an ammonium acetate background electrolyte (BGE) and detected with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). The effects of changes of instrumental parameters (temperature, injection mode, field strength) and the composition of the BGE (concentration and pH) are reported, and are explained in terms of the physical chemistry of the BGE and the biopolymers. Optimal separation conditions for kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenans, including an APTS internal standard, were found in a polyvinyl alcohol coated capillary with an ammonium acetate BGE of low concentration (25 mM) and moderate pH (8.0). This BGE gave the best reproducibility in tests on iota/kappa mixtures, with relative standard deviations (RSDs) in migration times and normalised peak areas (relative to the APTS internal standard) of less than 0.1% and 1%, respectively. Using this BGE at 50 degrees C and a voltage of 30 kV, all three carrageenan subtypes were separated in a run time of 3 min.