DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.01.062
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The influence of the heat treatment on the structural and magnetic properties of nanoparticle La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 prepared by glycine–nitrate method

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Cited by 33 publications
(17 citation statements)
References 24 publications
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“…6. w 0 (T) exhibits a peak at the temperature T$ 91 K, which position does not shift with frequency, while only the peak intensity slightly decreases with n. Similar trend in experimentally obtained AC curves was also reported for nanoparticle sample of the same composition [29], which was obtained by SC (glycine-nitrate) method and subsequently annealed at 900 1C. This type of behavior in magnetic nanoparticles can be attributed to the bulk-like nature of the investigated sample, and strongly depends upon the crystal quality of the sample [30].…”
Section: Magnetic Propertiessupporting
confidence: 84%
“…6. w 0 (T) exhibits a peak at the temperature T$ 91 K, which position does not shift with frequency, while only the peak intensity slightly decreases with n. Similar trend in experimentally obtained AC curves was also reported for nanoparticle sample of the same composition [29], which was obtained by SC (glycine-nitrate) method and subsequently annealed at 900 1C. This type of behavior in magnetic nanoparticles can be attributed to the bulk-like nature of the investigated sample, and strongly depends upon the crystal quality of the sample [30].…”
Section: Magnetic Propertiessupporting
confidence: 84%
“…With the increase of particle size, the average Mn-O bond length increases and the Mn-O-Mn bond angle is reduced. Knowing the average value of bond lengths in MnO 6 octahedra, the coherent JahnTeller distortions were determined using the relation [21]:For the as -prepared sample, the values of δ JT (0.06, 0.07 and 0.04 for LCMO, L 1 and L 2 , respectively) are close to that of La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 annealed at 900°C[21].…”
confidence: 99%
“…Compared with Ca‐doped La‐Ca‐Mn‐O, LSMO has more perfect MnO 6 octahedron with the equivalent Mn–O bond lengths and equivalent Mn–O–Mn bond angles 60 . For the MnO 6 octahedron in the optimally doped La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 , there are three unequal Mn–O bond lengths and two different Mn–O–Mn bond angles 68,69 . That is to say, the double exchange of Mn 3+ ‐O‐Mn 4+ in LSMO is stronger, and the distortion of MnO 6 octahedron is weaker, so it has higher T c and M .…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…60 For the MnO 6 octahedron in the optimally doped La 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 , there are three unequal Mn-O bond lengths and two different Mn-O-Mn bond angles. 68,69 That is to say, the double exchange of Mn 3+ -O-Mn 4+ in LSMO is stronger, and the distortion of MnO 6 octahedron is weaker, so it has higher T c and M. Thus, what causes the remarkable reduction in magnetization of LSMO as the pressure is applied? The possible reasons are suggested as follows: the MnO 6 octahedron in LSMO has the same bond lengths and bond angles, and the applied pressure is isotropic.…”
Section: Effects Of Pressure On the Magnetic Properties Of Lsmomentioning
confidence: 99%