In this paper we will address some new devices and circuits conceptually different to well known microwave devices and circuits. Hence we will briefly discuss devices such as the quantum well diode for oscillators, multipliers and mixers, the back to back Banier xi-n+ (bbBNN) varactor diode for multipliers, the single barier varactor (SBV) diode for multipliers, and new achievements conceming the design and fabrication of Schottky diodes.Concerning circuits, we focus on new approaches for the basic problem of handling large powers at millimeter waves (and microwaves) using solid state devices. A quasioptical design approach with many devices distributed over a surface several wavelengths in dimensions can be used to distibute large power to hundreds of low power devices. This technique is referred to as quasioptical array or grid technique. A few selected recent achievements are presented, demonstrating principles concerning arrays for oscillators, amplifiers, multipliers, phase shifters and mixers.
MIRQQ.UCTIQMillimeter wave techniques is becoming more important as new millimeter wave technology emerge and stimulate development of new systems for new applications. In this paper we will briefly discus some "old" devices, but essentially focus on new devices and circuits conceptually different to well known microwave devices and circuits. Hence we will briefly discuss devices such as the quantum well diode for oscillators, multipliers and mixers, the bbBNN varactor diode for multipliers, the single barrier varctor (SBV) diode for multipliers, and new achievements concerning the design and fabrication of Schottky diodes.Concerning circuits, we focus on new approaches for the basic problem of handling large powers at millimeter waves (and microwaves) using solid state devices. High power handling for a single device means that it has to take high voltages and currents leading to break down phenomena and excess heating. Both problems worsen at higher frequencies since the dimensions of essentially any device have to shrink with increasing frequency in order to keep the impedance reasonable and the parasitics of the device low (2,24).An elegant way to improve the power handling is to let many devices be distributed over a surface several wavelengths in dimensions such that quasi-optical techniques can be used to couple the power to the devices (28,35). This technique is referred to as quasioptical array or grid technique. In fact almost any solid state device can be integrated in an array and thereby improve the power handling capacity. Below a few selected recent achievements are presented, demonstrating principles conceming arrays for oscillators, multipliers, phase shifters and mixers.
OSCILAIQORaFor applications using millimeter and submillimeter waves, there is a strong demand for solid state high efficiency sources with low and medium output power. It is to day possible to