It is necessary to know the state of the Chinese universities. In this paper the general objective was determine the situation of Chinese universities: Problems, COVID-19 & efforts. Methodology, in this research, 31 documents have been selected, carried out in the period 2016 - 2021; including: scientific articles, review articles and information from websites of recognized organizations. The keywords used in the searches were: Chinese universities and COVID-19. Results, China has approximately 2,845 universities, which are gradually improving their infrastructure and academic level. The percentage of women has increased (UIS.UNESCO, 2021). A close collaboration between the university and the industry was presented as they refer (Hou, Hong & Shi, 2021). Employers consider the University of Hong Kong to have the best graduates (SICAS, 2018). Difficulty deciding what to investigate. The situation in Chinese universities is stabilizing, after COVID-19 was presented, continuing with virtual courses and the intensive use of ICTs. In addition, the progressive opening of these institutions, monitoring the health of students and teachers. Conclusions, Chinese universities are ranking better in world rankings such as the QS World University Rankings. They are overcoming the limitations imposed by COVID-19. The number of graduates, researchers and patents is considerable and competes with the great powers of Europe, Asia and North America. In addition, some of its universities are achieving international recognition and have students from various parts of the world.