Political trust is a key requirement for tourism policies to flourish and sustain. The purpose of the research was to investigate the determinants of political trust and analyze whether the latter influences residents' support for mass and alternative tourism. To this end, we develop a structural model based on the social exchange theory, institutional theory of political trust, and cultural theory of political trust. The model proposes six determinants of political trust which in turn is considered to influence residents' support for mass and alternative tourism. Data were collected from residents' of Mauritius selected using a stratified random sampling approach. We used a survey method based on a structured questionnaire. Using AMOS, the data were subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis to determine the fit of the measurement model. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized model. Results indicated that such variables as the political and economic performance of government in tourism, interpersonal trust, and tourism benefits significantly predicted political trust. In turn, the latter was found to influence residents' support for mass tourism only, lending support to Hetherington sacrificed-based concept borrowed from political science. The theoretical contribution of the study relates to the inclusion of the political trust variable to analyze its relationship with residents' support for two opposing types of tourism development in a single theoretical model. We found that such relationship is contextual, depending on the object of exchange, conceptualized in here as the types of tourism residents are asked to support. Political trust figures more prominently for mass tourism than for alternative tourism given the considerable amount of sacrifices residents have to make to accommodate mass development. Our findings suggest that it is important for government to foster political trust among local people for tourism development to sustain. 摘要 本文发展了一个改进的结构模型研究居民对可替代旅游与大众旅 游的支持, 同时对可替代旅游与大众旅游进行了明确的区分。本 研究以社会交换理论、政治信任的制度理论和文化理论为理论基 础, 收集毛里求斯居民旅游发展支持的数据, 采用验证性因子分析 和结构方程模型的方法对模型进行了检验。结果表明, 政府在旅 游业方面的政治和经济绩效、人际信任和旅游收益等变量显著影 KEYWORDS Resident attitudes; mass tourism; alternative tourism; political trust 关键词 居民态度; 大众旅游; 可替 代旅游; 政治信任 CONTACT Robin Nunkoo r.nunkoo@uom.ac.mu †Present address: School of Hospitality and Tourism, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.