spectrum of ( 5 ) which differs from that given previously[6! This leads to the sequence n, x, n, K, . . . for the four uppermost occupied molecular orbitals (arranged in order of decreasing energy) and not to n, n, x, x, _._ as originally presumed. In this case, unlike that of ( 4 ) , the order of the orbitals referring to the irreducible representations B,, and B,, is reversed. 4. In the photoelectron spectrum of i,4-cyclohexanedione (6) the splitting A(n) cannot be determined unambiguously. The band assigned to the ionization of the "lone" electronpairs is somewhat broadened and its shape near the maximum is indicative of a splitting of A(n)=O.l, eV. Such a small value suggests that the twist conformation (7) (symmetry O2)I7] is the preferred one. Received: March 11,1971 [Z 390 IE] German version : Angew. Chem. 83,405 (1971) [I] Part 24 ofApplications of Photoelectron Spectroscopy. This work is part of Project No. SR 2.120.69 of the Schweizerischer Nationalfond. -Part 23: P. Bischof; E. Heilbronner, H. Prinzbach, and H . D. Murtin, Helv. Chim. Acta, in press.