A method has been described for separation of the nondialyzable solids of normal urine into three major fractions (1). The R-1 fraction is composed of the portion which is not filtrable through collodion membranes of average pore diameter 20 mtn, and which is insoluble in veronal buffer of pH 8.6 and ionic strength 0.1. A mean excretion rate of 90 mg per 24 hours (range, 51 to 168 mg per 24 hours) has been established for both male and female adults. Attempts to separate the R-1 into subfractions by electrophoresis, various solvents, and ultracentrifugation have failed to provide subfractions which were distinctly different in composition from the original material. The present paper reports a further characterization of the R-1 mucosubstance by immunological methods.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe R-1 fraction of normal human urine was recovered, as previously described (1, 2), by veronal buffer (pH 8.6, ionic strength 0.1) extraction of the nonultrafiltrable solids of dialyzed urine. The fraction was suspended in distilled water and centrifuged at 40,000 G for 30 minutes, leaving a supernatant colorless opalescent gel or solution, or both, of approximately 5 mg per ml, which was used in the following experiments. The analyses of the centrifugate and supernate are given in Table I; the brown pellet is composed at least partly of cellular detritus and some inorganic crystalline material. The supernatant colloid migrated electrophoretically as a single hypersharp peak of ascending mobility 9.6 X 10' cm2 sect-volt' in veronal buffer of pH 8.18 and ionic strength 0.01 at a potential gradient of 5.8 v per cm. A frozen but unlyophilized sample of R-1 in water (5 mg per ml) was ultracentrifuged by M. C. Davies, Lederle Laboratories. A single hypersharp