Damage to plasma-facing components (PFCs) and structural materials during abnormal plasma behavior such as hard disruptions, edge-localized modes (ELMS), and vertical displacement events (VDEs) is considered a serious life-limiting concern for these components. The PFCs in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), such as the divertor, limiter, and parts of the first wall, will be subjected to high energy deposition during these plasma instabilities. High erosion losses on material surfaces, high temperature rise in structural materials (particularly at the bonding interface), and high heat flux levels and possible burnout of the coolant tubes are critical constraints that severely limit component lifetime and therefore degrade reactor performance, safety, and economics. Recently developed computer models and simulation experiments are being used to evaluate various damage to PFCs during the abnormal events. The design implications of plasma-facing and nearby components are discussed, and recommendations are made to mitigate the effects of these events.
. IntroductionDamage to plasma-facing components (PFCs) and structural materials due to plasma instabilities in magnetic fusion reactors is one of the most serious concerns for safe, successful, and reliable reactor operation. Plasma instabilities can take various forms such as hard disruptions, whch include both thermal and current quench, edge localized modes (ELMS), and vertical displacement events (VDEs). The intense energy deposition (10-200 MJ/m2) in these events over a short period (0.1-300 ms) may result in severe surface and bulk effects. These include high erosion losses of surface materials, high temperature rise in the structural materials, and high heat flux levels and possible burn-out of coolant tubes.Recently developed comprehensive models have been enhanced and used for comparison with results of several simulation experiments to analyze and evaluate the thermal response and the erosion damage of ITER PFCs resulting from different plasma instabilities [1,2].Models for material thermal evolution and phase change, magnetohydrodynamics models for the developed vapor cloud above the surface, and models to calculate resulting radiation, due to vapor heating, and its transport through the vapor cloud are dynamically coupled in a self-consistent approach to evaluate detailed time-dependent responses of plasma-facing materials (PFMs). The extent of the resulting damage to PFMs, structural materials, and coolant channels depends mainly on the total plasma energy deposited, deposition time, and thickness and the type of armor material.During the short disruption events ( z d 5. 1 ms), initially evaporated material may significantly reduce further PFM vaporization erosion. During longer plasma instabilities, however, such as VDEs ( T~ = 100-300 ms) no significant self-shielding is expected to occur and therefore serious erosion and melting can occur. In addition, hydrodynamic 2 instabilities and other forces will further erode mel...