a b s t r a c tIn mammals, higher order chromatin structures are critical for downsizing the genome (packaging) so that the nucleus can be small. The adjustable density of chromatin also regulates gene expression, thus this post-genetic molecular mechanism is one of the routes by which phenotype is shaped. Phenotypes that arise without a concomitant mutation of the underlying genome are termed epigenetic phenomena. Here we discuss epigenetic phenomena from histone and DNA modification as it pertains to the dynamic regulatory processes of the circadian clock. Epigenetic phenomena certainly explain some regulatory aspects of the mammalian circadian oscillator. Ó 2011 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Some basic considerations concerning epigenetics and the circadian clockGenetic information is encoded in a relatively simple fashion. An average protein of between 50 and 100 kDa requires between 1.35 and 2.7 Â 10 3 nucleotides (nt). If we accept current estimates of circa 30,000 genes in the mammalian genome, then approximately 5 Â 10 7 nt could represent real protein coding information.This is only about 1-2 percent of the entire amount of DNA present in a cell. This observation invites two simple hypotheses: the extra DNA must be somehow used for shaping the expression of the genome (else it would not survive evolution since so much extra-genic DNA is energy-expensive to build and maintain) and the vast amount of DNA necessitates an efficient packaging mechanism for considerations of both size and organization. The latter point is facilitated by the formation of nucleosomes, which are DNA wrapped around histone octamers [1]. These can then form higher order structures enabling further compaction of DNA [2][3][4]. Most of the mammalian genome is packaged as heterochromatin, which is very dense, but regions that are transcriptionally active are less dense and are referred to as euchromatin. As a simple correlation, the tighter the packaging of the local chromatin structure, the less probable it is that transcription and gene expression will occur. The information on the local chromatin structure can be inherited to the next generation of cells. Thus, the local chromatin structure can exert epigenetic regulation, i.e., it modifies gene expression and consequently specific phenotypes in a heritable fashion without mutation of the DNA sequence. In mammals, the information reflecting the local chromatin structure is embedded in at least two distinct ways: (i) methylation of specific residues of the local histones [3,5], which are evenly distributed to the newly synthesized DNA during DNA replication, or (ii) methylation of specific cytosine residues in the DNA whose patterns can be enzymatically copied [6,7]. Hence, both kinds of marks can be easily copied to the newly synthesized DNA strands and transferred as such to subsequent generations. Note that temporal regulation of epigenetic modifications was initially not taken into consideration, as these marks wer...