Thank you to my advisor, Johnathan Cutler, for guiding me throughout this process and always asking the important questions. Thank you to my family for supporting me throughout my life and collecting all of our memories to share in this project. Thank you for re-remembering the horrors you wanted to forget and fighting for our lives. Thank you to all my friends, especially Rafael Orona and Shemaiah Clarke, for constantly checking in on me, motivating me, and getting me under some sunlight. Thank you to my partner, Erdal Redzovic, for listening to my concerns, dealing with my constant state of (di)stress, and feeding me every now and then. Finally, thank you to my furry son, Milo, for being by my side through the whole writing process. ACCRONYMS AALBA-Asian American Licensed Beverage Association; this abbreviation is specific to Philadelphia, however, there are similar organizations throughout the U.S.