In a continuation of our work on the catalytic characteristics of polynuclear carboxylates of 3d metals in the liquid-phase oxidation of compounds with activated CH bonds (e.g., dibenzyl ether [1] and cyclohexene [2]) by atmospheric oxygen (hereinafter referred to as air) in the present communication we examine the oxidation of cyclohexene (CH) in the presence of a series of homo-and heteroligand pivalate complexes of cobalt (Table 1) with nuclearity between 1 and 4. The synthesis and structure of the complexes II-VII and VIII-X (the coordination points of which are presented diagrammatically below) were described in [3-6] and [7,8] respectively. The oxidation of cyclohexene by air and analysis of the composition of the obtained oxidate were realized by analogy with [2], where it was found that in the presence of homo-and heteronuclear ì 3 -oxotrimetallohexapivalates with a M 2 M¢O core (M, M¢ = Co, Cr, Fe, Ni) the corresponding epoxide (ECH) is formed in minute amounts and 3-hydroperoxy-2-cyclohexene (HP), 3-hydroxy-2-cyclohexene (CHol), and cyclohex-2-en-3-one (CHone) accumulate in the oxidate. It was suggested that under the investigated conditions the CHone and CHol are "dead-end" products from the oxidation of cyclohexenol while the 14