In this paper, I present the evaluation of a novel knowledge domain visualization of educational technology. The interactive visualization is based on readership patterns in the online reference management system Mendeley. It comprises of 13 topic areas, spanning psychological, pedagogical, and methodological foundations, learning methods and technologies, and social and technological developments.The visualization was evaluated with (1) a qualitative comparison to knowledge domain visualizations based on citations, and (2) expert interviews. The results show that the co-readership visualization is a recent representation of pedagogical and psychological research in educational technology. Furthermore, the co-readership analysis covers more areas than comparable visualizations based on co-citation patterns. Areas related to computer science, however, are missing from the co-readership visualization and more research is needed to explore the interpretations of size and placement of research areas on the map.
Biographical notes:Peter Kraker is a postdoc at Know-Center, Graz University of Technology. His main research interests are scholarly communication on the web, Science 2.0, and alternative metrics for science and research (altmetrics). He received his doctoral degree (Dr. rer. soc. oec.) from University of Graz in 2014. Peter has worked in a number of EU-funded projects studying online scholarly communication in educational technology, including the Network of Excellence STELLAR and the Marie Curie project TEAM. For his work, he was awarded a Panton Fellowship of the Open Knowledge Foundation and a Marshallplan Scholarship of the Austrian Marshallplan Foundation.