We study the random field p-spin model with Ising spins on a fully connected graph using the theory of large deviations in this paper. This is a good model to study the effect of quenched random field on systems which have a sharp first order transition in the pure state. For p = 2, the phase-diagram of the model, for bimodal distribution of the random field, has been well studied and is known to undergo a continuous transition for lower values of the random field (h) and a first order transition beyond a threshold, h tp (≈ 0.439). We find the phase diagram of the model, for all p ≥ 2, with bimodal random field distribution, using large deviation techniques. We also look at the fluctuations in the system by calculating the magnetic susceptibility. For p = 2, beyond the tricritical point in the regime of first order transition, we find that for h tp < h < 0.447, magnetic susceptibility increases rapidly (even though it never diverges) as one approaches the transition from the high temperature side. On the other hand, for 0.447 < h ≤ 0.5, the high temperature behaviour is well described by the Curie-Weiss law. For all p ≥ 2, we find that for larger magnitudes of the random field (h > h o = 1/p!), the system does not show ferromagnetic order even at zero temperature. We find that the magnetic susceptibility for p ≥ 3 is discontinuous at the transition point for h < h o .