Let R be a discrete valuation ring with algebraically closed residue field, and consider a smooth curve C K over the field of fractions K. For any positive integer r prime to the residual characteristic, we consider the finite K-group scheme Pic C K [r] of r-torsion line bundles on C K . We determine when there exists a finite R-group scheme, which is a model of Pic C K [r] over R; in other words, we establish when the Néron model of Pic C K [r] is finite. To this effect, one needs to analyse the points of the Néron model over R, which, in general, do not represent r-torsion line bundles on a semistable reduction of C K . Instead, we recast the notion of models on a stacktheoretic base: there, we find finite Néron models, which represent r-torsion line bundles on a stack-theoretic semistable reduction of C K . This allows us to quantify the lack of finiteness of the classical Néron models and finally to provide an efficient criterion for it.