In this paper we provide an experimental illustration of Page and Wootters' quantum time mechanism that is able to describe two-time quantum correlation functions. This allows us to test a Leggett-Garg inequality, showing a violation from the "internal" observer point of view. The "external" observer sees a time-independent global state. Indeed, the scheme is implemented using a narrow-band single photon where the clock degree of freedom is encoded in the photon's position. Hence, the internal observer that measures the position can track the flow of time, while the external observer sees a delocalized photon that has no time evolution in the experiment time-scale.
I. THEORYThe description of time in quantum mechanics and in particular in connection with quantum gravity and cosmology has always presented significant difficulties [1]. Page and Wootters (PW) proposed an ingenious framework [2] to allow the introduction of a quantum operator for time that does not exhibit the problems of conventional quantizations of time, such as the Pauli objection [3]. Similar ideas have appeared also many other times in the literature [4,5], notably in a proposal by Aharanov and Kaufherr [6]. These proposals received criticisms [7][8][9] that were recently overcome [10]. In this last paper, a complete review of the PW mechanism is presented. For the current aims, we can summarize their proposal as follows.In order to quantize time, one can simply define time as "what is shown on a clock" and then use a quantum system as a clock. If time is to be a continuous degree of freedom, then the clock must be a continuous system (the position of a photon along a line in our experimental realization). The requirement that the quantum states of the system (excluding the clock) satisfy a Schrödinger equation places a strong constraint on the global state of system plus clock: it must take the entangled form [2]where we use the double-ket notation | to emphasize that the global state is a bipartite state of clock c and system s, and where |t c is the position eigenstate relative to the clock showing time t, U t is the system's unitary time evolution operator, and |ψ(t) s is the state of the system at time t. In this framework it is a conditioned state: the state of the system given that the clock shows t (a conditional probability amplitude). The reason for the form of the state |Ψ in (1) is that one requires that the global state of system plus clock is time-independent: the system evolves with respect to the clock and viceversa, so that a global time evolution of system plus clock would be unobservable. Hence, the global state |Ψ is a total energy eigenstate, as in the Wheeler-de Witt equation H g |Ψ = 0, where H g = H c + H s with H g , H c and H s the global, clock and system Hamiltonians. The Schrödinger equation then follows by choosing a clock that evolves in a "uniform" manner without wavepacket spread, namely with a Hamiltonian H c proportional to the clock's momentum Ω. Indeed, the Schrödinger equation follows immediately by writin...