Let T = R d . Let a function Q : T 2 → C satisfy Q(s, t) = Q(t, s) and |Q(s, t)| = 1. A generalized statistics is described by creation operators ∂ † t and annihilation operators ∂ t , t ∈ T , which satisfy the Q-commutation relations:From the point of view of physics, the most important case of a generalized statistics is the anyon statistics, for which Q(s, t) is equal to q if s < t, and toq if s > t. Here q ∈ C, |q| = 1. We start the paper with a detailed discussion of a Q-Fock space and operators (∂ † t , ∂ t ) t∈T in it, which satisfy the Q-commutation relations. Next, we consider a noncommutative stochastic process (white noise)Here λ ∈ R is a fixed parameter. The case λ = 0 corresponds to a Q-analog of Brownian motion, while λ = 0 corresponds to a (centered) Q-Poisson process. We study Q-Hermite (QCharlier respectively) polynomials of infinitely many noncommutatative variables (ω(t)) t∈T . The main aim of the paper is to explain the notion of independence for a generalized statistics, and to derive corresponding Lévy processes. To this end, we recursively define Q-cumulants of a field (ξ(t)) t∈T . This allows us to define a Q-Lévy process as a field (ξ(t)) t∈T whose values at different points of T are Q-independent and which possesses a stationarity of increments (in a certain sense). We present an explicit construction of a Q-Lévy process, and derive a Nualart-Schoutens-type chaotic decomposition for such a process.